A vertex-centric representation for adaptive diamond-kite meshes
Computers & Graphics 119 (2024) 103910
Region reconstruction with the sphere-of-influence diagram
Computers & Graphics 107 (2022) 252–263
(with Afonso Paiva)
An integer representation for periodic tilings of the plane by regular polygons
Computers & Graphics 95 (2021) 69–80
(with José Ezequiel Soto Sánchez, Tim Weyrich, and Asla Medeiros e Sá)
[project page
Interval methods for fixed and periodic points: development and visualization
Journal of Universal Computer Science 26 #10 (2020) 1312–1330
(with José Eduardo de Almeida Ayres)
Simple and reliable boundary detection for meshfree particle methods using interval analysis
Journal of Computational Physics 420 (2020) 109702
(with Marcos Sandim and Afonso Paiva)
Acquiring periodic tilings of regular polygons from images
The Visual Computer 35 #6-8 (2019) 899–907
(with José Ezequiel Soto Sánchez and Asla Medeiros e Sá)
A look at the design of Lua
Communications of the ACM 61 #11 (2018) 114–123
Roberto Ierusalimschy and
Waldemar Celes)
Rigorous bounds for polynomial Julia sets
Journal of Computational Dynamics
3 #2 (2016) 113–137
(with Diego Nehab, Jorge Stolfi, and João Batista Oliveira)
Sketch-based modeling and adaptive meshes
Computers & Graphics
52 (2015) 116–128
(with Emilio Vital Brazil, Ronan Amorim, Mario Costa Sousa, and Luiz Velho)
Massively-parallel vector graphics
ACM Transactions on Graphics
33 #6 (2014) 229:1–229:14
(SIGGRAPH Asia 2014)
(with Francisco Ganacim, Rodolfo Lima, and Diego Nehab)
Approximating implicit curves on plane and surface triangulations with affine arithmetic
Computers & Graphics
40 (2014) 36–48
(with Filipe Nascimento, Afonso Paiva, and Jorge Stolfi)
Point-based rendering of implicit surfaces in R4
Computers & Graphics
37 #7 (2013) 873–884
(with Alex Laier Bordignon, Luana Sá, Hélio Lopes, and Sinésio Pesco)
Passing a language through the eye of a needle
Communications of the ACM 54 #7 (2011) 38–43
Roberto Ierusalimschy and
Waldemar Celes)
A fast hybrid method for apparent ridges
The Visual Computer
27 #10 (2011) 929–937
(with Eric Jardim)
Sketch-based warping of RGBN images
Graphical Models
73 #4 (2011) 97–110
(with Thiago Pereira, Emilio Vital Brazil, Ives Macêdo, Mario Costa Sousa, and Luiz Velho)
Shape and tone depiction for implicit surfaces
Computers & Graphics
35 #1 (2011) 43–53
(with Emilio Vital Brazil, Ives Macêdo, Mario Costa Sousa, and Luiz Velho)
On the limit of families of algebraic subvarieties with unbounded volume
323 (2009) 41–59
(with César Camacho)
A heuristic method for region reconstruction from noisy samples
International Journal of Shape Modeling 15 #1-2 (2009) 1–17
(with Emilio Ashton Vital Brazil)
Scalable GPU rendering of CSG models
Computers & Graphics 32 #5 (2008) 526–539
(with Fabiano Segadaes Romeiro and Luiz Velho)
Robust visualization of strange attractors using affine arithmetic
Computers & Graphics 30 #6 (2006) 1020–1026
(with Afonso Paiva and Jorge Stolfi)
The implementation of Lua 5.0
Journal of Universal Computer Science 11 #7 (2005) 1159–1176
(with Roberto Ierusalimschy and Waldemar Celes)
Smooth surface reconstruction from noisy clouds
Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society 9 #3 (2004) 52–66
(with Boris Mederos and Luiz Velho)
Affine arithmetic: concepts and applications
Numerical Algorithms 37 #1-4 (2004) 147–158
(with Jorge Stolfi)
of invited plenary talk at SCAN 2002
Approximating parametric curves with strip trees using affine arithmetic
Computer Graphics Forum 22 #2 (2003) 171–179
(with Jorge Stolfi and Luiz Velho)
Robust approximation of offsets, bisectors, and medial axes of plane curves
Reliable Computing 9 #2 (2003) 161–175
(with João Batista Oliveira)
Robust adaptive polygonal approximation of implicit curves
Computers & Graphics 26 #6 (2002) 841–852
(with Hélio Lopes and João Batista Oliveira)
Interval computation of Viswanath's constant
Reliable Computing 8 #2 (2002) 131–138
(with João Batista Oliveira)
The dynamics of the Jouanolou foliation on the complex projective 2-space
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 21 #3 (2001) 757–766
(with César Camacho)
Intersecting and trimming parametric meshes on finite-element shells
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
47 #4 (2000) 777–800
(with Luiz Cristovão Gomes Coelho and Marcelo Gattass)
A unified approach for hierarchical adaptive tesselation of surfaces
ACM Transactions on Graphics 18 #4 (1999) 329–360
(with Luiz Velho and Jonas Gomes)
Hierarchical generalized triangle strips
The Visual Computer 15 #1 (1999) 21–35
(with Luiz Velho and Jonas Gomes)
A methodology for piecewise linear approximation of surfaces
Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society 3 #3 (1997) 30–42
(with Luiz Velho and Jonas Gomes)
Adaptive enumeration of implicit surfaces with affine arithmetic
Computer Graphics Forum 15 #5 (1996) 287–296
(with Jorge Stolfi)
IUP/LED: a portable user interface development tool
Software: Practice & Experience 26 #7 (1996) 737–762
(with Carlos Henrique Levy, Marcelo Gattass, Carlos Lucena, and Don Cowan)
Lua: an extensible extension language
Software: Practice & Experience 26 #6 (1996) 635–652
(with Roberto Ierusalimschy and Waldemar Celes)
First prize (technological category)
in the
II Compaq Award for Research and Development in Computer Science.
This award is a joint venture of
Compaq Computer in Brazil
Brazilian Ministry of Science and Technology
and the
Brazilian Academy of Sciences.
Sampling implicit objects with physically-based particle systems
Computers & Graphics 20 #3 (1996) 365–375
(with Jonas Gomes)
Computational morphology of curves
The Visual Computer 11 #2 (1994) 105–112
(with Jonas Gomes)
A database management system for efficient storage of structural loadings
Computers & Structures 32 #5 (1989) 1025–1034
(with Marcelo Gattass)
A texture-driven model for male baldness
Proceedings of SIBGRAPI 2022, 162–167
(with Dennis Balreira, Márcio Volkweis, and Marcelo Walter)
Towards a legion of virtual humans: steering behaviors and organic visualization
Proceedings of SIBGRAPI 2020, 31–38
(with André da Silva Antonitsch and Soraia Raupp Musse)
Synthesizing periodic tilings of regular polygons
Proceedings of SIBGRAPI 2018, 17–24
(with Asla Medeiros e Sá and José Ezequiel Soto Sánchez)
Accurate volume rendering based on adaptive numerical integration
Proceedings of SIBGRAPI 2015, 17–24
(with Leonardo Quatrin Campagnolo and Waldemar Celes)
A sketch-based modeling framework based on adaptive meshes
Proceedings of SIBGRAPI 2014, 17–24
(with Emilio Vital Brazil, Ronan Amorim, Mario Costa Sousa, and Luiz Velho)
Approximating implicit curves on triangulations with affine arithmetic
Proceedings of SIBGRAPI 2012, 94–101
(with Afonso Paiva, Filipe Nascimento, and Jorge Stolfi)
Sombras realistas em realidade aumentada móvel
Proceedings of SVR 2012
(with Tássio Knop and Luiz Velho)
Beam casting implicit surfaces on the GPU with interval arithmetic
Proceedings of SIBGRAPI 2011, 72–77
(with Francisco Ganacim and Diego Nehab)
A hybrid method for computing apparent ridges
Proceedings of SIBGRAPI 2010, 118–125
(with Eric Jardim)
Sketching variational Hermite-RBF implicits
Proceedings of SBIM 2010, 1–8
(with Emilio Vital Brazil, Ives Macêdo, Mario Costa Sousa, and Luiz Velho)
A few good samples: shape & tone depiction for Hermite RBF implicits
Proceedings of NPAR 2010, 7–15
(with Emilio Vital Brazil, Ives Macêdo, Mario Costa Sousa, and Luiz Velho)
Oversegmentation control for inexact graph matching: first results
Mathematical Morphology and its Applications to Signal and Image Processing
(Proceedings of ISMM 2007), 375–386
(with Luís Augusto Consularo, Roberto M. Cesar Jr, and Isabelle Bloch)
The evolution of Lua
Proceedings of ACM HOPL III, (2007) 2-1–2-26
(with Roberto Ierusalimschy and Waldemar Celes)
Robust adaptive meshes for implicit surfaces
Proceedings of SIBGRAPI 2006, 205–212
(with Afonso Paiva, Hélio Lopes, and Thomas Lewiner)
Hardware-assisted rendering of CSG models
Proceedings of SIBGRAPI 2006, 139–146
(with Fabiano Segadaes Romeiro and Luiz Velho)
Simple adaptive mosaic effects
Proceedings of SIBGRAPI 2005, 315–322
(with Geisa Martins Faustino)
Surface reconstruction for noisy point clouds
Proceedings of SGP 2005, 53–62
(with Nina Amenta, Boris Mederos and Luiz Velho)
The implementation of Lua 5.0
Proceedings of SBLP 2005, 63–75
(with Roberto Ierusalimschy and Waldemar Celes)
Robust smoothing of noisy point clouds
Geometric Design and Computing: Seattle 2003
Nashboro Press, 2004.
(with Boris Mederos and Luiz Velho)
Moving least squares multiresolution surface approximation
Proceedings of SIBGRAPI 2003, 19–26
(with Boris Mederos and Luiz Velho)
Approximating parametric curves with strip trees using affine arithmetic
Proceedings of SIBGRAPI 2002, 163–170
(with Jorge Stolfi and Luiz Velho)
Interpolação de curvas de nível por difusão de calor
Proceedings of Geoinfo 2001, 57–62
(with Roberto de Beauclair Seixas and Claudio Antonio da Silva)
Robust adaptive approximation of implicit curves
Proceedings of SIBGRAPI 2001, 10–17
(with Hélio Lopes and João Batista Oliveira)
Good approximations for the relative neighbourhood graph
Proceedings of 13th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry
(2001) 25–28
(with Diogo Vieira Andrade)
The evolution of an extension language: a history of Lua
invited paper in
Proceedings of SBLP 2001, B-14–B-28
(with Roberto Ierusalimschy and Waldemar Celes)
Uma metodologia para geração de modelos de elevação a partir de curvas de nível
Proceedings of Geoinfo 2000, 82–87
(with Roberto de Beauclair Seixas, Claudio Antonio da Silva, and Paulo Cezar Pinto Carvalho)
Robust approximation of offsets and bisectors of plane curves
Proceedings of SIBGRAPI 2000, 139–145
(with João Batista Oliveira)
Interval methods for ray casting implicit surfaces with affine arithmetic
Proceedings of SIBGRAPI'99, 65–71
(with Affonso de Cusatis Junior and Marcelo Gattass)
An algorithm for intersecting and trimming parametric meshes
Proceedings of SIBGRAPI'98, 86–93
(with Luiz Cristovão Gomes Coelho and Marcelo Gattass)
Texturing composite deformable implicit objects
Proceedings of SIBGRAPI'98, 346–353
Ruben Zonenschein,
Jonas Gomes,
Luiz Velho,
Mark Tigges, and
Brian Wyvill)
[project page
Controlling texture mapping onto implicit surfaces with particle systems
Proceedings of Implicit Surfaces'98, 131–138
Ruben Zonenschein,
Jonas Gomes, and
Luiz Velho)
Optimal adaptive polygonal approximation of parametric surfaces
Proceedings of SIBGRAPI'96, 127–133
Luiz Velho)
Surface intersection using affine arithmetic
Proceedings of Graphics Interface'96, 168–175
EDG: Uma ferramenta para criação de interfaces gráficas interativas
Proceedings of SIBGRAPI'95, 241–248
(with Waldemar Celes and Marcelo Gattass)
Visualização volumétrica com otimizações de ray casting e detecção de bordas
Proceedings of SIBGRAPI'95, 281–286
(with Roberto de Beauclair Seixas, Marcelo Gattass, and Luiz Fernando Martha)
Adaptive enumeration of implicit surfaces with affine arithmetic
Proceedings of Implicit Surfaces'95, 161–170
(with Jorge Stolfi)
Especificação de layout abstrato por manipulação direta
Proceedings of SIBGRAPI'94, 165–172
(with Raquel Oliveira Prates and Marcelo Gattass)
The design and implementation of a language for extending applications
Proceedings of XXI Brazilian Seminar on Software and Hardware (1994) 273–283
(with Roberto Ierusalimschy and Waldemar Celes)
Uma estratégia de portabilidade para aplicações gráficas interativas
Proceedings of SIBGRAPI'93, 203–211
(with Marcelo Gattass and Carlos Henrique Levy)
Physically-based sampling of implicit objects
Proceedings of SIBGRAPI'92, 81–87
(with Jonas Gomes)
Geração de interfaces para captura de dados sobre desenhos
Proceedings of SIBGRAPI'92, 169–175
Clarisse Sieckenius de Souza,
Marcelo Gattass,
Luiz Cristovão Gomes Coelho)
Physically-based methods for polygonization of implicit surfaces
Proceedings of Graphics Interface'92, 250–257
(with Jonas Gomes, Demetri Terzopoulos, and Luiz Velho)
Lua Programming Gems
Lua.org, December 2008.
ISBN 978-85-903798-4-3
(organized and edited with Waldemar Celes and Roberto Ierusalimschy)
Mathematical Optimization in Computer Graphics and Vision
The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Graphics,
Elsevier, April 2008.
ISBN 0-12-715951-7
(with Luiz Velho, Paulo Cezar Carvalho, and Jonas Gomes)
Implicit Objects in Computer Graphics
Springer-Verlag, July 2002.
ISBN 0-387-98424-0
(with Luiz Velho and Jonas Gomes)
Métodos de Otimização em Computação Gráfica
book for course in the
22nd Brazilian Mathematics Colloquium
IMPA, 1999
(with Luiz Velho, Paulo Cezar Carvalho, and Jonas Gomes)
Self-Validated Numerical Methods and Applications
book for course in the
21st Brazilian Mathematics Colloquium
IMPA, 1997
Jorge Stolfi)
[iv+116 pages,
Introdução à Geometria Computational
book for course in the
18th Brazilian Mathematics Colloquium
IMPA, 1991
(with Paulo Cezar Carvalho)
Interview about
Masterminds of Programming: Conversations with the Creators of Major Programming Languages
edited by Federico Biancuzzi and Shane Warden,
O'Reilly, 2009, pp. 161–176.
ISBN 0-596-51517-0
(with Roberto Ierusalimschy)
Binding C/C++ objects to Lua,
in M. Dickheiser (ed.),
Game Programming Gems 6
Charles River Media, 2006, pp. 341–355.
ISBN 1-58450-450-1
(with Waldemar Celes and Roberto Ierusalimschy)
Programming advanced control mechanisms with Lua coroutines,
in M. Dickheiser (ed.),
Game Programming Gems 6
Charles River Media, 2006, pp. 357–369.
ISBN 1-58450-450-1
(with Waldemar Celes and Roberto Ierusalimschy)
Adaptive sampling of parametric curves
in A. Paeth (ed.),
Graphics Gems V
Academic Press, 1995, pp. 173–178.
ISBN 0125434553
On periodic tilings with regular polygons
Best PhD thesis
in SIBGRAPI 2021
(with José Ezequiel Soto Sánchez and Asla Medeiros e Sá)
A matemática da animação por computador
Ciência Hoje 305 (July 2013) 18–23
(with Diego Nehab and
Luiz Velho)
Exemplar-based terrain synthesis
in SIBGRAPI 2013
(with Leandro Cruz, Francisco Ganacim, Djalma Lúcio, and Luiz Velho)
Passing a language through the eye of a needle
ACM Queue 9 #5 (May 2011) 20–29
Roberto Ierusalimschy and
Waldemar Celes)
A hybrid method for computing apparent ridges
in SIBGRAPI 2009
(with Eric Jardim)
Fracture patterns for non-photorealistic image rendering
in SIBGRAPI 2008
(with Anna Regina Corbo Costa)
Region reconstruction from noisy samples
in SIBGRAPI 2007
(with Emilio Ashton Vital Brazil)
Curve reconstruction from noisy data
in SIBGRAPI 2006
(with Emilio Ashton Vital Brazil and Ives Macêdo)
Hardware-assisted CSG rendering
poster in SIGGRAPH 2006
(with Fabiano Segadaes Romeiro and Luiz Velho)
An introduction to affine arithmetic
TEMA 4 #3 (2003) 297–312
(with Jorge Stolfi)
Revisiting adaptively sampled distance fields
Proceedings of SIBGRAPI 2001, 377
(with Luiz Velho and João Batista Oliveira)
Um estudo sobre arquivos vetoriais para a visualização de mapas na Web
Proceedings of GISBRASIL 99
(with Carla Cristina Fonseca Ferreira and Marcelo Gattass)
Computing arrangements of implicit curves
Proceedings of V ERMAC 1998
(with Paulo Cezar Pinto Carvalho and Paulo Roma Cavalcanti)
Texturing implicit surfaces with particle systems
SIGGRAPH'97 Visual Proceedings 172
Ruben Zonenschein,
Jonas Gomes, and
Luiz Velho)
[project page
Fast interval branch-and-bound methods for unconstrained global optimization
with affine arithmetic
Technical Report
Institute of Computing, UNICAMP
(with Ronald Van Iwaarden and Jorge Stolfi)
Lua: an extensible embedded language
Dr. Dobb's Journal 21 #12 (Dec 1996) 26–33
Roberto Ierusalimschy and
Waldemar Celes)
Geração auto-adaptativa de malhas com sistemas de partículas
Proceedings of SIBGRAPI'96, 335–336
Marcelo Tilio Monteiro de Carvalho)
Textura de superfícies implícitas com sistemas de partículas
Proceedings of SIBGRAPI'95, 305–306
Ruben Zonenschein,
Jonas Gomes,
Luiz Velho)
IG: um sistema de construções geométricas com vínculos
Proceedings of SIBGRAPI'95, 311–312
Siome Klein Goldenstein, Paulo Cezar Pinto Carvalho)
Reconstrução de terrenos com triangulações dependentes dos dados
Proceedings of SIBGRAPI'95, 313–314
André Machado de Matos and
Marcelo Gattass)
The making of bs, a programmable button shell for X
The X Advisor
1 #3 (1995);
revised for
The Motif Developer
[original version]
A topological data structure for hierarchical planar subdivisions
Technical Report
University of Waterloo
Waldemar Celes,
Marcelo Gattass, and
Paulo Cezar Carvalho)
Otimização do algoritmo de ray casting para visualização de tomografias
Proceedings of SIBGRAPI'94, 5–8
Roberto de Beauclair Seixas,
Marcelo Gattass, and
Luiz Fernando Martha)
Computational morphology of implicit curves
doctoral dissertation,
April 1992
(supervised by Jonas Gomes)
Mathematical Reviews
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Copyright and all rights therein are maintained by the
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offered their works here electronically. It is understood that all
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